RC40 - New World Orders?

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21Sep 2022

Call for Panels for the 2023 IPSA World Congress

The Call for Panels for the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science is now open! This international event will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 15-19 July 2023. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to share your work with peers, to learn from other scholars and to meet political scientists worldwide. 

We invite you to share research pertaining to this year’s theme: Politics in the Age of Transboundary Crises.





01Sep 2022


RC40 Event, Sep 2022
RC40 Event


15Jul 2021

Useful Documents

Research Committees (RC) - About Research Committees | IPSA

18Jun 2020

Gobernanza Global entre orden y caos - Miércoles 4 de marzo - Tecnológico de Monterrey


18Jun 2020

New book. La Ciudadanía Perfecta: Una aproximación hermenéutica desde el derecho internacional

La Ciudadanía Perfecta: Una aproximación hermenéutica desde el derecho internacional By: Carmelo Cattafi Release date: Sep 2019 Librería Porrúa ISBN: 9786070932410


09Sep 2013

Call for Papers Montreal 2014

Deadline for closed panels and papers fast approaching (7 October)!

Call for papers for specific open panels on water resources and FTAs below:

Panel "Redefining international relations through free trade agreements?"

As more states and regional groupings decide to enter new FTA negotiations, given waning hopes for a multilateral negotiation at the WTO, they are not just creating the ‘spaghetti bowls’ Jagdish Bhagwatti and other economists feared, but reshaping the global governance system. FTAs that include Western powers like the USA and European Union, feature deep regulatory integration amongst the signatory economies, and include the Singapore issues (intellectual property protection, competition policy, liberalisation of services and public procurements) that many developing states opposed at the WTO. In bilateral negotiations it becomes easier for the larger economies with asymmetric power to gain acquiescence from partners. Yet, increasingly emerging and developing states are redefining the rules even at the bilateral level, for instance despite years of negotiations the EU still has not finalised FTA agreements with Mercosur, India, Vietnam and Malaysia. Competing approaches to FTAs, economic integration, and procedural matters are complicating the international FTA scenario. This panel seeks to address the questions of: i) how FTA negotiations, and FTA content, are reshaping international economic governance rules; ii) are there distinct Northern/Western, Emerging and Southern approaches to FTAs, and how do they differ and interact; iii) how is the global South responding to the growing FTA agenda; iv) what are the effects of new generation FTAs on international power dynamics.

Panel "Challenges of Contemporary Governance of Transboundary Water Resources Conflicts"

The most pressing challenges of global governance are to maintain international peace and security. Threats to international security we are examining are the geopolitical, legal, strategic and economic stakes of transboundary waters governance. In an era of uncertainty most of the regions of the world perceive transboundary waters disputes as a threat to their national security, which explain the proliferation of river basins commissions and organisations. As most of international treaties and cooperation show, the stronger the states the higher is the possibility to impose its political will on other smaller, fragile, and weaker or weakened regional states. In a world system that is ruled by power relations the traditional political and legal debates (asserting upstream controlling downstream nations’ water security) that dominated the 1960s, the 1970s throughout the 1990s don’t reflect regional realities. Antagonism between upper and lower riparian states is worsen by a combination of factors such as uneven distribution of waters resources, unbalanced infrastructural development, climate hazards, unilateralism, population growth and socioeconomic challenges. Climate change effect will intensifies conflict, thus the challenges of global governance, between those who suffer shortage, due to structural weakness, and those who have the means to ensure their water security. In the absence of global governance how do weak states defend their water security? What is the role of power asymmetry in international water conflict? Which global/regional mechanism is likely to manage conflicts over water?

09Sep 2013

New Book- Comparative Regionalisms for Development in the 21st Century

New book edited by Emmanuel Fanta, Timothy M. Shaw and Vanessa T. Tang!

Comparative Regionalisms for Development in the 21st Century. Insights from the Global South Edited by Emmanuel Fanta, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, Timothy M. Shaw, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA and Vanessa T. Tang, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

‘This volume significantly enhances our understanding of comparative regionalism and is especially invaluable for those looking for authentic and empirically rich “insights from the South” – a rarity in writings on international relations generally and regional integration particularly.’ – Amitav Acharya, American University, Washington DC, USA

‘A sensible, informative and thought-provoking collection emphasizing the importance of regionalism in Africa and beyond. Human capital development, technological innovation and good governance are critical for the long-term economic success of the Global South.’ – Zolani Dyosi, National Research Foundation Technology and Human Resources and Industry Programme, South Africa

This responding volume has four interrelated topics. It explores the transformation taking place in/with regard to the financing of development in the Global South and the apparition of new players in the field. The emergence of ‘New Regionalisms’ in the South and the usefulness of these experiences for comparative studies of regional relationship is explicated. It turns its attention to new forms of transnational governance that are emerging and the role that a novelty of actors play in this ‘new multilateralism’. Finally, it looks into the implications of this trio of novel directions and players for analyses and policies.

Contents: Foreword; Introduction: comparative regionalisms for development in the 21st century: insights from the global South, Timothy M. Shaw and Emmanuel Fanta; Competitive bilateralism or regionalism: a South African perspective, Merle Holden and Vanessa T. Tang; Understanding regional integration policies in Africa, Emmanuel Fanta; UNASUR in the context of a changing regional environment: prospects and challenges, Mark Kirton; Constraints to regional integration in Central Africa, Jean Kenfack; Development in the Caribbeans after a half-century of independence: insights from regional and transnational perspectives, Timothy M. Shaw; Regional integration in the Pacific, Tiru K. Jayaraman; Regional aid for trade in Africa: time to walk the talk, Melissa Dalleau and Kathleen van Hove; Food security in ECOWAS, Richard Simson and Vanessa T. Tang; Impact of regional integration on human rights protection in Africa , Jean-Bosco Ngendahimana; The role of regional parliaments in enhancing democracy in the South, Andrea Cofelice and Stephen Kingah; Regional economic integration in Africa: impediments to progress?, Rodrigo Tavares and Vanessa T. Tang; Regional formations and global governance, Luk Van Langenhove and Maria Cristina Macovei; Conclusion: new regionalisms: beyond NETRIS, Timothy M. Shaw and Vanessa T. Tang; Appendix; List of websites; Index.

View this title online at: www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781409465201

All online orders receive a discount

14Jun 2013


Calls for papers and panels are now open. Open panel proposals can be uploaded through the website until July 1. Deadlines for paper abstracts, and closed panels proposed through the RC are October 7. RC40 welcomes panels and papers dealing (amongst others) with the following issues: -Regionalism and regional integration in its various forms -Changing modes and models of governance derived from regionalism -Specific effects of regionalism -Interactions between global governance regimes and regional governance -How regionalism is creating new global models and orders -Bilateral, plurilateral, regional and cross-regional agreements and negotiations

14Jun 2013

RC Contacts

To join RC40, make suggestions or find out more about please contact:

Dr Maria Garcia University of Nottingham, UK maria.garcia@nottingham.ac.uk

Dr Carmelo Cattafi Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico ccattafi@tec.mx